join our kinfolk in their growth through a whole range of workshops for all ages and interests

after a popular pilot in 2021, k.i.n have started hosting nature-based workshops for our adult kinship (parents & carers), facilitators and wider community to have opportunities to develop and grow.

most of these workshops are facilitated by experienced facilitators, such as jon cree and chris holland, who have come to us through personal connections. our vision is to also be able to host a diverse range of less well established practitioners that also resonate with our project. some members of our k.i.n team sometimes run workshops.

through hosting, our hope is to strengthen community & offer opportunities that are accessible, collaborative and supportive for everyone. all day workshops include a shared campfire lunch with soup and fresh bread cooked by our local bakery. they are attended largely by people we already know so have a sense of community. we offer bursary places on our workshops.

see below for our current/upcoming workshop offerings. join our newsletter to receive our latest news and announcements of when booking for next workshop dates is available.

coming up

  • reframing challenging behaviour - jon cree

    facilitated by jon cree

    saturday 16th september 2023
    9am - 5pm

    east london e11

  • natural musicians & storytelling - chis holland

    facilitated by chris holland

    saturday 4th november 2023


    east london e11

train with k.i.n ~ all trainings here.

grow with us.
create a bespoke workshop with k.i.n


our vision is to be able to host not only established but a diverse range of unsung practitioners that resonate with our project. some people in our kinfolk are also showcased in our workshops.

if you are a facilitator interested in working in collaboration with k.i.n to deliver a workshop, you can find out more about this here or get in touch with us at